in my opinoin i think newline kennel is trying to go inter which is a good think it does not matter if they fail or sucess at least they try the price compare to the us bully pits is quite similar but Thai people think 1500-2000$ Bully is expensive i think it is quite normal The dog face issue. In the us Bully pits concept is to be Short Stalkey and big headed. For the Ghost that said The dog face is long.(How the fuck do you know ?) It is a pit bull not a bulldog man. The weigth of the head dont stop growing untill 2 years. Thai people that sell pit bull for cheap is stupid because they are making its to easy to own one and dump one. Newline is doing business not bothering any one.
I have nothing to do with Newline i just dont like the people that dont understand the idea of Bully Pits . In his Website he guanrantee that the puppies wont be taller than 15 inch Which i belive it wull be true but they did not say anything about the nose of the bully that it is going to be short or long. Who the hell care man in a compatition the judge measure the size of the head not the shortness of the nose (at least it is short not a geraff bully)
And It is not call a bully pitbull it is call a Pocket Pits Thai people got it all confuse